Education is an investment.

04 November 2022

The development of our workforce is a fundamental topic for Baja Agro International SA de CV. 

Since the incorporation of new collaborators and throughout their time working in the company, they go through multiple training and development processes. Based on detection of needs for the team and the business strategy, training programs are carried out continuously to achieve the goals and reducing individual gaps, achieving objectives and thus ensuring continuous development between company and collaborator.

We also have an Educational Plan, a program for which we feel pleasantly proud and that was implemented with a strategic vision and social responsibility in a rural zone, far from urban areas. During the period from 1995 to 1999, eight people were able to complete their elementary or middle school, with the collaboration of the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA). Subsequently, after a pause in the educational program, the project was resumed in 2010, and by the year 2021 it will have benefited approximately 121 people, of which 43 have completed elementary school, 49 middle school, 26 high school and 3 have a university degree. Currently, 18 people are pursuing their bachelor's degree and 12 more are studying for a bachelor's or engineering degree with the company's support.

This training and development strategy has been a paramount element in both the company and the community’s growth. People who started working as laborers or with a very basic education level, now occupy key supervisory or managerial roles. In a geographical area where it seemed impossible to achieve this development, today we are grateful of having highly committed collaborators that show a great sense of belonging that has improved their quality of life, prepared to offer our customers the highest quality products and attention that they deserve.